Link : An article worth reading if you care about journalists' duties.
If you haven't read the article, then you won't know what I mean. If you have, then lets proceed.
Arianna Huffington testifies to the idea that as a journalist, we ought not be "merely passive observers." She then points out the story of pullitzer prize winning photographer Kevin Carter, who is now deceased because he took his own life after winning a prize for a photo of human suffering.
So what?
Well, I 100 percent agree with Arianna.
Feel me on this and if you disagree, feel free to, but if you don't have the courage to speak up or post, fuck off.
This is my still-developing hypothesis on the meaning of journalism as a still-developing journalist.
IF journalism is designed as the fourth estate of a meaningful democracy because of journalism's role in enlightening the public to truth and bringing about understanding among men, women and children, THEN the idea of "Objective Journalists" is absurd because humans are not objective beings and how could you expect to achieve enlightenment or understanding of humans by being, essentially--inhuman. Thus, "Objective Journalism" is the first step in creating false information.
That statement may sound confusing, but it makes sense in my head. If you need clarification or elaboration, I'd love to because If I am not able to clearly communicate so you understand, then I've already failed in my quest to bring truth. Truth is irrelevant if no one understands it.
-Marcus Poon